Urusei yatsura 1992

Animation Action Adventure

The series begins when aliens from the planet Oniboshi invade Earth. They agree to leave only if Earth's champion can defeat the Oni champion in a game of tag within a ten-day time limit. Earth's champion, randomly selected by the...

Todos los títulos
  • JP: Urusei yatsura Urusei yatsura
  • JP: Lamu the Invader Girl Lamu the Invader Girl
  • BR: Turma do Barulho Turma do Barulho
  • CA: Urusei yatsura Urusei yatsura
  • FR: Lamu Lamu
  • DE: Urusei yatsura Urusei yatsura
  • IO: Urusei yatsura Urusei yatsura
  • ID: Urusei Yatsura Urusei Yatsura
  • IE: Lum the Invader Girl Lum the Invader Girl
  • IT: Lamù Lamù
  • IT: Lamù la ragazza dello spazio Lamù la ragazza dello spazio
  • IT: Mi hai rapito il cuore, Lamù Mi hai rapito il cuore, Lamù
  • IT: SuperLamù SuperLamù
  • JP: うる星やつら うる星やつら
  • MX: Urusei Yatsura Urusei Yatsura
  • PH: Urusei Yatsura Urusei Yatsura
  • RU: Несносные пришельцы Несносные пришельцы
  • ES: Lamu, la pequeña extraterrestre Lamu, la pequeña extraterrestre
  • ES: Lamu Lamu
  • ES: Lum, la chica invasora Lum, la chica invasora
  • AE: Urusei yatsura Urusei yatsura
  • UA: Lum the Invader Girl Lum the Invader Girl
  • US: Those Obnoxious Aliens Those Obnoxious Aliens
  • US: Urusei yatsura Urusei yatsura
Fecha de lanzamiento 04 Oct 1992
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